Order book

Order book

Select library to order to:
To make an interlibrary loan, you must have an active library card at Örebro University Library. If you do not have one, you may apply for a library card. More information is available on our web page.
Create an order using your library card number or personal identity number:

See prices and terms on our website.
Personal data is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR (EU regulation 2016/679). For the library to manage loans made at the library, all borrowers must submit certain data. The data collected by us are name, email address, personal identity number, phone number and address. This data will also be used to invoice overdue fines and lost books. The information is accessible by the library staff using an online storage service. In the case of overdue fines, collected data are also shared to Örebro University Finance Office. Collection agencies get access to the data in the event of non-payment of an invoice. The collected information will be deleted when the borrower is no longer considered active. You have the right to know which data is stored about you, to access it or have it deleted in accordance with information on the university website.